go ski place

Take CSS GRID with you
Some notes here:
Grid config.: Vertical: Runs:
Elevation: Hours:
1 main, then grid-1 and -2 740' 7 5,400' 9am - 5pm

The main grid uses 2 rows on smaller screens. The top uses a container (grid-1) that takes up all screen height. These elements are placed in grid-1.

More notes:
Breakpoints: Mountain: Vertical: Runs: Hours:
No grid changes, but... Base: 3000. Summit: 9000 740' 14 9am - 5pm

I am using the same grid configuration across all breakpoints: 6 columns and 5 rows. The second row has no content, but fills up the space for different height screens.

Final notes:
Line-based: Vertical: Runs: Elevation: Hours:
Yes, line-based placement 740' 7 5,400' 9am - 5pm

These 'content-wrappers' are placed on different columns and rows depending on the viewport width with 'line-based-placement'. So the positions (and sizes) change at breakpoints.

Grid-2 notes:
Grid setup: Placement: Runs: Elevation: Hours:
Similar to Grid-1 Line-based (again) 7 5,400' 9am - 5pm

The setup here is similar to grid-1. Again these content boxes are placed and stretched by positioning them on the grid lines.

This is cool:
This element: CoffeeCup: Vertical: Runs: Hours:
Sits in a grid table Is cool! 740' 14 9am - 5pm

The container above the link uses a grid for positioning and lining up the items. To add rows, simply duplicate elements!

Breaking the grid...
Overlap: Vertical: Runs: Elevation: Hours:
Yes, on the pics below 740' 7 5,400' 9am - 5pm

A pixel top-margin is used to push the second image down. It could have been done with grid only, but this was faster :)

Placeholder Picture
Placeholder Picture