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Material box

Material box aka Lightbox

Material box behaves in a similar way as the Lightbox plugin. When a user hovers over an image that can be enlarged, the cursor changes and the image opacity is changed.

When clicked Material box centers the image and enlarges it in a smooth, non-jarring manner. To dismiss the image, the user can either click on the image again, scroll away, or press the ESC key.

Material Box

A Material box image is created by assigning the .materialboxed class to an image.

You can add a caption to the zoomed in image through a data-caption atrribute. The second image uses that

Preview the images below in your browser to see the effect in action.

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Material Box Grid Gallery

Material box is a material design implementation of the Lightbox plugin. When a user clicks on an image that can be enlarged, Material box centers the image and enlarges it in a smooth, non-jarring manner. To dismiss the image, the user can either click on the image again, scroll away, or press the ESC key.

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Material Box with additional effects

Material box is a material design implementation of the Lightbox plugin. When a user clicks on an image that can be enlarged, Material box centers the image and enlarges it in a smooth, non-jarring manner. To dismiss the image, the user can either click on the image again, scroll away, or press the ESC key.

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There is some copyright thingy going here too. Feel free to do whatever you want with it after purchase [except resell without significant modification].