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Quotes are social proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people reference the behavior of others to guide their own behavior. No matter what a site is about, using quotes will support the products, service, goal or claim.

There are a lot of ways to present them, here are just a few examples.

Crazy cool people !

This is unbelievable. After using this cool theme my buisness started skyrocketing

Brian Durphy @brurphy

Bob rocks badly, just wow...

All the things he knows and can explain about business and digital strategy are simply amazing. It transformed my thinking with big benefits to the business.

Brian Durphy @brurphy

I just animated the s#*t out of it

Now people stay longer on our pages, they  see more of the site and lead intake trippled!

Brian Durphy @brurphy

With background image

The use of a background image that supports the type of quotes or website claim can attract attention amd really drive the point home.

The quote caroussel

If you have a lot of testimonials, or want to present them differently in different sections of the site you can consider using a caroussel.

Adding rating, in this case the number of colored stars, helps to build trust in the cause of the site or section.

The configuration of the caroussel, e.g. auto-play, happens in the html element with class .caroussel.config.

There is some copyright thingy going here too. Feel free to do whatever you want with it after purchase [except resell without significant modification].